Saturday, March 7, 2015


Living is an art of making decision. Life is full of choices and there would be no moment when we do not have to make decisions. Sometimes we make a right decision, sometimes we make a wrong one; although right or wrong is absolutely subjective. A killing could be rationalize as rightful, although it is wrong by consensus. Killing a very sick person may not have to be wronged. I always have this question since forever: If one person kills a person, does the killer deserve to be punished? Fate (or be it God) controls all the aspect in the world. Wouldn't it be that his death was fated, and the killer was only a means to achieve the death? Then he should never be punished. Then again, if he is never to be punished, the already blurred boundary will be blurer: What is a fate and what is a will?

We do have to make choices. The reason choices are there, probably because they are delivered by the fate itself. However, the decision will be ours to decide, and fate will again deliver another choices in the future. The choices are fated, but the decisions are ours. Nevertheless, I believe nature always tries to balance itself, and some choices might already be favored. To listen to what nature is saying, we will eventually choose a choice that cause a greater good. That choice will work with us, and however wrong it may appear, we will know eventually that we make the right choice.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A piece of thought 一欠けらの思い

However seemingly impossible it is, there will be a way. Weren’t flight once a dream? Now people have gone to space. Things will eventually find themselves free from obstacles. Water will eventually find its way to the estuary. For live is vulnerable, take shelter in our faith. As believing in something, be it God or just ourselves, we will have the courage to go forward; no matter how dark and dangerous and alone the path may be. This piece of mind shall never change forever. 無理と見えても、何とかなると信じている。昔の時に、飛行は夢だった、ただいま人間は宇宙に行っているでしょ。道が自然的に表すのは間違いない。どうしても水を遮るのは、結局河口まで。壊れ物だからこそ、人生が信仰を囲おう。神様に限らない、自分だけに信じても、漆黒の道に一人で歩む勇気を出せると思う。この一欠けらの思いを、いつまでも変えたくない。

Thursday, February 12, 2015


The thought of you makes me trepidatious; my body trembles over the longing for you. Like a condemned werewolf yearning for the blood moon, I, too, am a lycanthrope whose heart goes berserk over the sight of your flesh. This nyctophobia self will like to feast in the heat of the night, being wild and frenzy, dancing ecstatically, indulging in the pheromones from every tickle of your sweat. I will let my soul to be decadent and this sepulchral soul will gladly have its perdition for the lust over you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ode to Boreas

Oh, Boreas who rules the Northern Wind. Hail, oh you, who dance beautifully. Along with it, come colder climes, come shorter light. Algid gale breathes often, the world goes to hibernaculum. Winter overcomes, frore is the life. This gelid season is your domain. Its murkiness weakens the mind. Its frigidity frosts the bones. Its blue breaks the soul. The days are brumal and the nights are hiemal. Yet, come halcyon days, you are festive: Snow and névé, ice and hoarfrost, flashy women and men in coats and boots, a circle of family before the furnace, cashmere and fleece, hot chocolate and eggnog... Though your dance is difficult, for ever as it may seem, you will eventually get weary and will finally be succumbed, until the time you dance again after one Earth's circle.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The physics of love

For every soul out there, there is an antisoul. Like every matter that has an antimatter, that antisoul is you with an opposite charge. You and that antisoul is not compatible at the surface, but you and your antisoul is complementing each other. If you two meet, bump, and merge, nothingness is born. This nothingness is not an emptiness, because you two will be transformed into higher forms, no longer recognized as two, bound in so called God particle that covers the universe, giving mass to everything, giving sense to the non-sense, giving meaning to the meaningless. If you meet your antisoul, be prepared, because the journey for you two will not be physical anymore, but metaphysical, quantum physical, beyond all the senses can perceive.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Humans 人間

NASA has released the largest picture ever taken and it will shake up your universe; a link that will make we think our existence. Now that I am on the subject, I need to admit humans are minuscule, but it is essential to be meaningful. The presence of humans in this vast universe should mean something. Not now, but in another 1,000 or 10,000 years, humans will definitely be able to change the universe. And we are those future humans' ancestors. We are building the foundation of the future. Therefore, our existence is not without meaning. 人間はちっぽけ。ただ、有意義になるのは大事。こんな宇宙の中に人間の存在は確かに意味があるはず。今じゃなくて、千年か一万年後にきっと人間は宇宙を変えることが可能。我々はそんな未来人間の先人。我々は未来の基礎を作ってる。我々の存在は意味のないわけはない。

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Heartbroken syndrome

What is the heart-throbbing, soul-tearing, chest-ripping sensation that you many times feel when love turns sour? That feeling is so close to the loss of euphoria from a glass of Moscatto sparkling wine. It is also so close to the withdrawal effect from serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine following metamphetamine intake. It is so deep in the oubliette of the sub-gastric area, you would want to rip the abdomen off and take out the gut-wrenching phenomena created by the reaction of norephinephrine between the synapses of parasympathetic nerves. It is so painful, your tear glands would never stop producing tears. It is so overwhelming, your heart would slow down and break. That is why it is called the heartbroken syndrome.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Ever since the genesis of the universe, time has never stopped revolving. Yet, humans devised a means to divide moments, to keep track of their biological age, hence, years were born. A new year has commenced, and people, once again, act as if a nascent book is to be written. The idea of starting new is surely a mirage, because life never starts over. Be that as it may, writing on blank pages might be a symbol of redemption of the faulty years, of purging and cleansing of sins and defaults, of recrudescence. Of course, as the faithfuls would say, for those who want to salvage themselves, there is always an exordium.